Successfully managing change is vital to both individuals and organisations. Constant change has become the status qua and those who succeed in the future will not only understand and cope with the principles of change, but will have learned the importance of recognising and embracing these principles. It is said that the only person who likes change is a wet baby. As we mature in a personal or organisational sense, resistance to change often increases; or worse still, there exists a false feeling of complacency about the good old days. “I’ve been here 25 years and we don’t do it that way” or “we tried it that way once”. If you’ve ever heard words to that effect, Catherine DeVrye can help acquaint your staff to the realities of a changing world and the benefits accrued by embracing such change and innovation for future success. Of the top Fortune 500 companies at the turn of the century, only three remain. And less than 46 per cent of the Fortune 500 companies in 1982 are still in existence today. This clearly demonstrates that success today does not necessarily guarantee success tomorrow. From first hand experience in IBM at a time the computer giant thought they were immune from a changing environment, Catherine combines the latest research with humour to challenge all organisations to analyse their own methods of operation in terms of the need for a paradigm shift. Her involvement in the establishment of the award- winning “Life! Be In It” campaign provides a practical example of a paradigm shift in attitudes towards sport and marketing. In her pre-conference briefing, she will gain an understanding of the unique challenges within your operations. Change is inevitable. Learning from change is optional. Catherine will help educate employees about the benefits of welcoming change before it overcomes them and their organisation. Participants will leave this session with a renewed commitment to accepting change as a positive force in their work environment. They will feel empowered and more confident about being victors from change, rather than victims of change
Conquering the challenge of change.
Reviewed by JAWAD AKHTER
August 28, 2020
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